Strategic chaos: UX design in the wild is messy. And beautiful.

In college I was told that I would never cut it as a graphic designer. 

By. My. College. Professor. 

And yet another teacher in college told me in my flash web development class that I would never make it as a web developer. (Yes, flash). 

So was I really just THAT bad at both design and development in 2001? Well, maybe. Or was it that they didn’t understand why I couldn’t–and even flat out refused to–focus my studies on a single design medium or specialized skill? 

Fast forward to today, and the very thing that I was downgraded on has become the key to my success as a UX lead working on multi million dollar software and platforms. Not to mention teaching UX design and web development at the same university 15 years later. 

And flash is dead 🙂


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