Conquering Digital Burnout

Burnout is spreading throughout our industry. It’s time for us to acknowledge how this is impacting our lives and challenge ourselves to find a healthy work/life balance. This talk will help us reflect on where this pressure is coming from and provide ideas on steps you can take to make a change. Together we can redefine expectations and demand something better for ourselves. After all, you don’t need to be miserable. I should know, as I used to be that person.

Embracing Open Source: Going From Drive By Committer To Contributor

In my career, I have used many open source projects. As I got more involved in open source I would often open issues and submit a one-time pull request to projects I used regularly.

More recently, I have taken on a bigger role being the gulp maintainer for WP Rig, providing continuous contribution and thought leadership rather than one-off contributions.

This talk will explore the benefits, and challenges, this has brought as well as lessons learned so that you too can level up your open source contributions and go from drive-by committer to regular contributor.

Don’t Ignore the Masses: Supporting Your Product

Regardless of whether it is free or premium, users of your plugin (or theme) will at some point need support. Drawing from over a decade of mistakes and success providing support for several plugins, this talk explores what I found that works (and what doesn’t work) for providing user support.

If I can do it you can too – How a non-coder was able to develop and sell a premium plugin

You might have a great idea for a plugin that you wish existed. Or, you might have previously developed something that was so useful you thought it would be cool to try and make that available to the public. But if you’re not a bigtime coder, this process might have felt intimidating. I’m in the same boat. But I was able to do it and I’ll tell you how. (hint: you don’t have to do it all yourself!)

Friends don’t let friends build websites that are not accessible!

You are jazzed about cranking out a WordPress site and the first thing you do is you reach for a theme. But wait is that theme you bought accessible? Will all your users be able to traverse through your site without any issues? You could run an accessibility test. Or even better, you could keep accessibility top of mind during the build process and make it a must have before launching a WordPress site.

WordCamp Minneapolis / St. Paul MN is over. Check out the next edition!