The New Digital Ecology

The digital ecosystem is evolving, and the role of a CMS in that ecosystem needs to evolve with it. What is the role of CMS and WordPress specifically in an ecosystem that is increasingly becoming omnichannel? Where do we need to push WordPress to continue to be a relevant tool in the future?

Don’t Ignore the Masses: Supporting Your Product

Regardless of whether it is free or premium, users of your plugin (or theme) will at some point need support. Drawing from over a decade of mistakes and success providing support for several plugins, this talk explores what I found that works (and what doesn’t work) for providing user support.

If I can do it you can too – How a non-coder was able to develop and sell a premium plugin

You might have a great idea for a plugin that you wish existed. Or, you might have previously developed something that was so useful you thought it would be cool to try and make that available to the public. But if you’re not a bigtime coder, this process might have felt intimidating. I’m in the same boat. But I was able to do it and I’ll tell you how. (hint: you don’t have to do it all yourself!)

Grow Up! 16 Models for Scaling Your Freelance Business

If you have more work than you can possibly do and you regularly fantasize about cloning yourself, it may be time to hire. If you are working too many hours freelancing but still not making enough money, rethinking your business model could be the solution to your problems. We’ll explore 16 different business models for freelancers and how to get clients with each model. We’ll discuss business planning with the Business Model Canvas and the top 12 ways to prepare for hiring.

7 Key Concepts to Sustainability in Your Business

What if one simple change to your process could propel your business forward with improving your profit and margins? Sometimes it’s what you don’t know that could be the one thing that keeps the lights on. Let’s look at seven key concepts to having a sustainable business model.

The Hierarchy of Needs for High-Performing Websites

Just as human beings need food, water, shelter, and safety before we can worry about higher level things, websites also have a hierarchy of needs. Servers, stability and compliance must be in place before you can meaningfully introduce quality and raise your conversions on your website.

Secure Your WordPress Site – And Your Business

You installed a security plugin, and you don’t get much traffic anyway since your business is small…so you don’t need to worry about getting hacked, right? Think again! Security incidents are on the rise, and small businesses are easy targets. You may not have a lot of money to invest, but you can learn a framework to help you get a better grasp on security for your website and your business.

The Developer’s Spectrum – From Junior to Lead

Everyone goes through a journey in their development career and everyone travels at a different pace. Obstacles exist along the way but they can all be overcome. Each step of your career has different expectations from others. Certain qualities will help you along the way including self reflection, asking questions, and taking on change. We will discuss my development career including the funny stories, the mistakes, and the take aways you can apply.

Compliance: Staying afloat in a sea of acronyms

ADA, GDPR, HIPAA, CAN-SPAM, SOX, GLBA, CCPA, PCI, COPPA, OPDP, LGPD. Learn a few strategies for maintaining websites and other marketing initiatives that require some sort of legal compliance. This discussion will give a high-level introduction to several compliance standards and some general processes for brining a project into compliance.

WordCamp Minneapolis / St. Paul MN is over. Check out the next edition!