
ElasticPress.io is a complete end-to-end search and query engine for WordPress. Using the power of Elasticsearch, ElasticPress.io and the open-source ElasticPress plugin enable you to add modern features like fuzzy matching, autosuggest, and full-text document search to your WordPress site. But there’s more! ElasticPress features rich integrations with WooCommerce, speeding up search results for your customers and helping them find what they’re looking for. Editors and content creators can eliminate the wait for complex dashboard queries (500 posts at a time, anyone?) or deliver accurate, related content with a drag-and-drop Widget. Developers will love the huge array of hooks and filters available in the plugin, as well as built-in WP_Query integration. ElasticPress.io plans make it easy to run ElasticPress on your site and start at only $79 per month! Sign up for a free 14-day trial today at elasticpress.io.

WordCamp Minneapolis / St. Paul is over. Check out the next edition!