Shanta R. Nathwani

Shanta R. Nathwani

Twitter: @ShantaDotCa
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Shanta is an IT, Web Design and Social Media Consultant and an Instructor in Web Design and Capstone Project at Sheridan College. She is also a principal in Web Weapons, specializing in Web Development, Business Intelligence and Educational Training.

She is a problem solver and have been said to have the patience of a saint. She can explain even the most difficult concepts to the most basic user and has developed training documents that allow clients to learn for themselves. She thrives on understanding the needs of my clients and believes in making social media as simple as possible and making it fun, which allows our clients to seamlessly incorporate it into their organization.

Shanta holds a Certificate in Business Management and a Bachelors of Commerce Degree from Ryerson University in Information Technology Management. Some of her volunteer activities include being the Alumni Advisor for the Women In Information Technology Management program at Ryerson University, Technical Advisor for the Malvern Red and Black Society and Assistant Instructor at the Canadian Martial Arts Centre.

She blogs at and can be found on Twitter @ShantaDotCa

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About marktimemedia

Michelle is based in Minneapolis, MN, and is currently the Director of UX Engineering at Lone Rock Point. She has previously collaborated with clients ranging in size from solopreneurs to enterprise as an independent consultant. Michelle employs a strategy-based approach to design and development focused on solving tangible problems and achieving real goals based on how people think. She loves the open source community, and when she is not pursuing professional, personal, or wellness goals, she enjoys giving back through speaking and connecting with others. Her passions are communication and empowerment, and she believes in the power of "Why?"