• AI Tools and Techniques: What’s Helpful and What’s Hype-ful


    It seems like every day a demo comes out showing a new AI tool that everyone has decided is “the next big thing” and will “change jobs forever”. While many of the tools that have been released over the last few years have the potential to be super transformative, relatively few people have succeeded at integrating them into their day-to-day work.

    In this talk, we’ll take a look at how designers, content creators, developers and WordPress site managers can start to use tools like ChatGPT, code copilots and more to actually make a dent in their workflow. We’ll also take a look at a few areas where AI technology currently doesn’t live up to the hype, to help you make better decisions about where to spend your time.

    Keanan Koppenhaver

  • Design in an AI world


    Everywhere you look, you see artificial intelligence (AI) popping up… AI-generated images or video… AI being integrated into the products you use… in games… it’s so pervasive in our lives today that many times, we don’t even realize we are using it.

    AI has become an incredibly powerful tool, but as we all know, with great power, comes great responsibility. So what does that mean for us designers? Does this mean our role in the tech sector is and has changed? Absolutely yes. How? Well, let’s talk about it…

    tracy apps

  • Enhancing WordPress Security: Insights and Strategies


    In this presentation, we will explore the essential security measures needed to protect WordPress websites from common threats. The discussion will cover a range of topics including the importance of regular updates, the role of secure hosting environments, and the selection of reliable themes and plugins. Attendees will learn how to implement strong authentication methods, secure file permissions, and effective backup solutions. We will also dive into advanced strategies such as database security, SSL certificates, and the use of security plugins to monitor and defend against potential vulnerabilities. This talk aims to equip WordPress users and developers with the knowledge and tools necessary to ensure their sites remain safe and secure in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

    Lucas Alvarado

  • How to make more $$$ doing less work in your WP freelance biz


    Feel like you are working too hard for too little $$$ in your WP freelance biz? Well, sorry to say it, but you probably are.

    During our conversation, I’ll share 10 curious changes I’ve made to my WP freelance biz that have led to me making more money doing less work (without outsourcing the work to others).

    Some of the strategies and tactics I’ll share are counterintuitive – but they are all honest and up-front and have the awesome additional benefit of improving your relationships with the people who pay you to do the work.

    The best part: You’ll be able to implement all of these strategies and tactics immediately to continue on the path to making more moola!

  • Human-Centered Marketing: Creating Standout Content to Connect & Convert


    In this session, you’ll learn how to craft content that stands out from the crowd, connects with your dream prospects and converts leads into loyal customers. These skills are increasingly important in an age when we’re being inundated with mediocre AI-generated content that’s only adding to the noisy online marketplace.

    Sure, AI content generators are all the rage these days: they make it a breeze to create more content in significantly less time. But amidst the excitement of what AI can do for our content marketing machines, something important has been left behind: the humans we’re supposed to write for.

    To rise above the noise and make authentic connections with your dream prospects requires you to approach your content marketing efforts with a human-centered foundation.

    After this session, you’ll be able to:

    – Define your dream customer in a holistic, inclusive way
    – Identify authentic ways to reach your customers where they already are
    – Create engaging content that drives connection
    – Ensure your content embraces key qualities to help increase conversions

    Cari O’Brien

  • Improving WordPress Accessibility: Tools, Techniques, and Real-World Solutions


    Getting started with digital accessibility can seem overwhelming; join us in this session where we’ll cover various testing methods such as automated tools like WAVE and AxeDev, manual testing with keyboards, and strategies for reviewing and enhancing existing code. Making a website accessible to all takes work and doesn’t happen overnight; but that shouldn’t deter any creator or developer from taking the first steps towards digital accessibility.

    Understanding the real impact of accessibility on users is often left out of the conversation around making websites accessible. In this session, we’ll delve into first hand experiences of individuals with disabilities and how digital accessibility directly affects their ability to navigate and interact with websites. By discussing the challenges faced by users, creators and developers can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of accessible design and its impact on fostering inclusivity in the digital realm. Additionally, we’ll explore practical examples of how we’ve improved accessibility in WordPress plugins, offering insights and strategies for ensuring inclusivity in WordPress development projects.

  • Inclusive Design: Website Accessibility with WordPress


    Together, we will explore the principles and best practices for creating inclusive digital experiences with WordPress. Learn how to identify and eliminate barriers that prevent people with disabilities from fully engaging with your website. This session will include practical tips, tools, and techniques to ensure your design is accessible to all users, including those with visual, auditory, cognitive, or motor impairments. Whether you’re a designer or content creator, you’ll leave with actionable insights to make your website and content more accessible and user-friendly.

    Mykl Roventine

  • Keynote: The Importance of Community

    Presented In: Parkview Meeting + Event Center

    Discussing the importance of community and how we need to get back to a sense of community. We will cover how to join a community, why it is important to join a community, and how WordPress could use a stronger community.

    E Daniel Swain

  • New Kid on the Block: Crafting Custom Blocks

    Discover how custom blocks can reshape your WordPress experience. We’ll explore creating both static and dynamic content blocks that cater to your site’s specific requirements. From setting up your development environment to crafting interactive and responsive blocks, this presentation will give you a primer on making your own blocks, stripping away some of the starting pains. Get ready to be inspired and start building your very own custom blocks!

    david wolfpaw

  • Online Payments Basics


    We will cover the basics of online payments, from traditional card processing (and some of the tech/features associated with those), crypto, buy now pay later, localized payment methods, hybrid offline/online methods, etc.

    Andrew Wikel

  • Streamlining Your Web Development Process: From Intake to Migration


    Creating websites for clients involves a structured and efficient process to ensure high-quality results and client satisfaction. This session will walk attendees through our proven workflow at JLLB Media, providing actionable insights and strategies to enhance their web development projects. The talk will be divided into four main sections:

    1. Intake: Understanding Client Needs
    – Initial Consultation: How to conduct effective discovery meetings.
    – Requirement Gathering: Tools and techniques for collecting detailed client requirements.
    – Project Scoping: Defining the project scope, deliverables, and timelines.
    – Contracts and Agreements: Best practices for setting clear expectations and protecting both parties.

    2. Collaboration and Workflow: Efficient Project Management
    – Team Collaboration: Using project management tools (e.g. AirTable / Google Workspace or your favorite one) for seamless communication.
    – Workflow Optimization: Strategies for dividing tasks and managing deadlines.
    – Client Communication: Keeping clients informed and engaged throughout the project.

    3. Proofs and Revisions: Iterative Design Process
    – Design Proofs: Presenting initial designs and gathering client feedback.
    – Revisions Management: Handling revision requests and maintaining project scope.
    – Approval Process: Strategies for obtaining timely approvals and keeping the project on track.

    4. Migrating: Launching the Final Product
    – Pre-Migration Checklist: Ensuring everything is ready for a smooth transition.
    – Migration Tools and Techniques: Best practices for migrating websites to live servers.
    – Post-Migration Testing: Verifying that the site functions correctly and fixing any issues.
    – Client Handoff: Providing training and documentation to clients for managing their new website.

    Key Takeaways:

    – A comprehensive understanding of the end-to-end web development process.
    – Practical tools and techniques for improving efficiency and collaboration.
    – Strategies for managing client expectations and revisions effectively.
    – Best practices for a smooth and successful website migration.

    Juan Llerena

  • UI Kit: How we do Full Site Editing

    In this session, we’ll talk about how we currently approach full site editing on WordPress at 10up with our tool, UI Kit. Why we currently use it to jump start client projects, what we’ve learned so far, and the future of the tool.

    We’ll also talk about related components and initiatives around UI Kit and how we’re leveraging WordPress’ extensibility to make more complex builds possible.

    Jon Christensen

  • WordPress at a galactic scale

    The new www.nasa.gov launched late last year. This talk will cover the technical considerations for launch and the lessons learned since then. Everything from search implementation, build and testings processes – both manual and in CI/CD, a very specific gitflow, caching concerns, and preparing for eclipse level traffic. In additions, there are hundreds of thousands of legacy redirects and yet-to-be migrated content that WordPress handles.

    Gary Kovar