Do you have expertise in a specific field or an interesting project to share? Whether you’re a developer, designer, content creator, user, or business owner, we want to hear from you.

Speaker Submission Dates

Speaker applications are now closed.

  • Call for Speakers closes on June 7 June 10th
  • We’ll be selecting speakers June 8 – 21
  • Selected speakers will be informed by June 30
  • Speaker announcements will start July 15

What We Are Looking For

We are looking for speakers to cover talks ranging from beginner to advanced WordPress users on a wide variety of topics. Creative ideas are encouraged. The goal is for attendees to come away with new skills and insights.

Minneapolis/St. Paul has strong Development, Design, and Content creation communities, and there are lots of requests for topics within those areas.

 Here are just a few examples of requested topics to inspire you:

  • WordPress Basics
  • Using WordPress as a Content Creator
  • WooCommerce/E-Commerce
  • Theme & Plugin Development
  • Block Development
  • Interesting WordPress Use Cases
  • Design and User Experience
  • Full Site Editing
  • Accessibility and Usability
  • SEO and Content Creation
  • Client Management
  • Freelancing or Working Remotely
  • Building a WordPress Business

Limit Submissions: To ensure thorough consideration, please submit no more than three talk proposals.

Talk Length

Our sessions are scheduled in 1 hour blocks, with 15 minute breaks to transition between sessions. Talks should be about 45 minutes, including 5-10 minutes of Q&A

Audience Skill Level

When submitting a talk, please indicate the type of audience you are speaking to (developers, designers, writers, business owners, site admins, etc.) along with their approximate skill level. Here’s a guideline for rating your Audience Skill Level:

  • Beginner: You will cover or introduce basic concepts. Aimed towards those with little or no experience.
  • Intermediate: Between a beginner and an expert. You will cover concepts that require some experience or knowledge in basic concepts.
  • Expert: You will cover advanced concepts. Aimed towards those with some expertise in the topic or track.
  • All skill levels: Someone at any level can gain knowledge from the talk.

Who Can Apply To Speak

Anyone can apply to speak at WordCamp MSP. No prior speaking experience necessary! WordPress is a diverse community and the organizers want to create a speaker lineup representative of this.

Regardless of your background, your voice can contribute to the richness of the WordCamp program. If you’re hesitating, consider resources from the WordPress Diverse Speaker Training Group, available to bolster your confidence and skills.

Whether or not your talk is selected, submitting a talk is a great way to do some reflecting on your WordPress journey and appreciate your accomplishments. While the organizing team receives more submissions than can fit into one conference schedule, seeing the variety of topics is helpful and important to fulfilling the mission of WordPress. 


One response to “Call for Speakers”

  1. I know I’m late – sorry for missing the deadline!