Author Archives: Kiko Doran


If you’ve never tried Uber, you can ride around the Cities in style and ease with Uber! Enjoy up to $25 off your first ride with promo WORDCAMP.*

Not familiar with Uber? Uber ( is an app that connects you with a driver at the tap of a button. Request a black car, SUV, or uberX sedan ride at any time using the Uber iPhone, Android, or Blackberry apps. You can track the arrival of your ride on your smartphone, payment is cashless (no need to tip!), and you’ll even receive a text message when your driver arrives.

To use this promo, simply download the app and enter promo WORDCAMP. You can also sign up or just text WORDCAMP to 827-222 for quick signup on the go! (Msg & data rates may apply)

Questions? Contact Uber at

*Only works if you are setting up a new uber account.

Speaker Announcement

After the long delay, we are finally announcing the speaker lineup. We had 74 submissions and choosing speakers was very difficult. We had so many quality submissions, we added a fourth room for Saturday.

We originally had planned to have three tracks: development, design, and content. Based on the submissions we have gone to a more open format. We will have four rooms and the original “tracks” will be split into different rooms. Our schedule has 20 minute breaks between each session and we would like to get people up and mingling, so rooms are not attached to a particular track.

We have an awesome group of speakers representing the local and worldwide WordPress community. We have speakers from many of the top WordPress companies/agencies including: Automattic, WerkPress, Modern Tribe, 10up, Sucuri, and 9seeds.

Check out our list of speakers and their sessions.